Proof of a Genuine Depopulation Conspiracy Against Humanity - The Jaffe Memo of 1969
How Planned Parenthood and the Rockefeller Foundation's Population Council conspired against the US populations health and wellbeing to achieve population reduction goals. Was it successful?
The Jaffe memo is a communication memo between Planned Parenthood and the Rockefeller funded Population Council, dated in 1969, where they discuss various measures and strategies they’d like to implement on a country wide scale in effort to reduce population growth.
Before I get into the details of the memo, this needs to be said first. These organizations love to portray themselves as being on team humanity and philanthropically moral in their intent, trying to help facilitate good healthcare practices for our benefit, supporting and funding “reproductive rights” like abortions, and spreading these practices and policies around the world to third world countries especially, but that is not the case per this memo. The unfortunate reality of their intent is that it’s far more nefarious, anti-human, anti-natalist, and malicious, while also trying to present an image of virtue and morality to the public. This memo demonstrates just how far these organizations are willing to go to achieve their goals of population reduction, and should give you all a standard of precedent in evaluating the true intent of the actions they’re taking today, especially in the context of vaccines, healthcare, contraceptive services, LGBTQ, and what they call “human rights”.
To put it simply. They want to make as many people sick, fat, stupid, and infertile as possible, while also milking you for every dime you have as they slowly kill you through countless different vectors, especially those that are environmental via toxins, endocrine disruptors, heavy metals, forever chemicals, EMF/EF/RF, and numerous other means. This is a very difficult reality to accept and I understand the resistance, but when you spend enough time reading their own documents and books, it becomes quite obvious that’s the goal. Blind with entertainment and consumerism, while slowly and subtly poisoning. They don’t really hide it either. They’re actually quite transparent about it, and you can get an introduction to their belief systems by reading Jonas Salk’s (father of vaccines, creator of polio vaccine) book Survival of the Wisest.
Jay Dyer has done an excellent short video review of the book if you’re interested.
Otherwise you can read the full book on, or listen to the audiobook on
Tldr; Salk is a homicidal, transhumanist, eugenicist, lunatic, who thinks he’s a higher species of human that has dominion over humanity and wants to alter it to his liking with no informed consent.
Read the proposed measures above, realize it was written in 1960s, and now think about the state of world today in 2023 and ask yourself… did they achieve any of these policies?
Restructure family by postponing or avoiding marriage, and alter the image of the ideal family size. (Marriage rates are at an all time low, with cratering fertility rates)
Encourage increased homosexuality (Do I really need to explain this one? Look around)
Fertility control agents in water supply (microplastics, pharmaceutical drugs, atrazine, DDT, etc)
Encourage women to work (Not against women working, but you must understand it wasn’t about women’s rights, but instead an attempt to destroy the family unit, take children from parents, and stick them in schools to be educated and indoctrinated by the state instead)
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave or benefits (most definitely achieved this one for most places of business, only the wealthy and affluent get this benefit)
Chronic depression (Undoubtedly one of their biggest successes. The USA is packed with people with mental illness, depression, anxiety, etc, and a majority of the population is shoveling pharmaceutical drugs to cope or eating their way to obesity to soothe themselves)
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities (Day care prices are absolutely insane, and mothers are often required to work alongside the father just to get by. Another great success of their plans)
How can anyone read this proposed policy measures and not be concerned about a conspiracy at the highest levels of government and influence with NGOs? In what world is it okay to float the idea of making people depressed and infertile against their will? This is so disgusting and it’s like they view us like we’re cattle, meant to be subjugated and controlled.
It’s indefensible and inhuman, which is a common trend that you find with these NGOs who are funded and backed by criminal banking families like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Carnegies, etc.
This document is just the tip of the iceberg, and I will do continued articles on another doozy called the NSSM-200 Kissinger report where they are even more egregious and reprehensible in their plans against the populace.
Stay tuned.
This is a keeper! I've been looking for the actual citation of "Chronic Depression." The full memo was long and my eyes were buggin'. Do you know where it is? Thank you!
I just found your SubStack thanks to the Fleccas Talks podcast referencing a tweet (X?) of yours. This is a little chilling. I'm a STAHM, the irony being, daycare is so expensive it would probably put us in a worse position financially if I were to get a job. My mother-in-law (one of the homeschool pioneers) has sat down and gone through the numbers with other families to show them that having one parent at home wouldn't always break the bank. But when that would mean giving up things like vacations and a new smartphone every two years, most just aren't willing to make the sacrifice. I feel like we're all living in a version of "Brave New World".