Vaccine Roulette: Quality Control, Contamination, and Negligence.
The Vaccine Act of 1986 has allowed pharmaceutical companies to neglect good quality control and contamination concerns because they have no financial incentive to care if they harm anyone.
Currently the vaccine injury discussion has been largely argued under the context and understanding that what's on the inserts and excipient lists is what's actually in the vaccine in the disclosed amounts, assuming that the quality control procedures are of high quality and properly enforced (they're not). I want to add some important clarification to this discussion and show that quality control and contamination issue is the MONSTROUSLY sized elephant in the room that is incredibly important in understanding why some people can get a vaccine and be seemingly fine, and others can get completely destroyed or even killed by them. These quality control problems stem from the legal protection that these pharmaceutical companies received from the 1986 act, so they have absolutely no incentive to give a damn about safety, contamination, or any harm their vaccines can cause in general. It's all profit regardless, especially when they have the entire mainstream media apparatus and a horde of sleepwalking ideologues to defend their honor and morality at any moment it’s questioned, even though these corporations are repeatedly proven criminal fraudsters who've demonstrated malicious intent and negligence countless times over (see Merck and Vioxx), but I digress.
Onto the research.
"New quality-control investigations on vaccines: micro- and nanocontamination" by Gatti and Montanari
Robert F Kennedy Jr also wrote an article about this paper years ago, but it’s since been scrubbed from the internet. Fortunately, we have if you’d like to read it below.
To quickly summarize, they acquired 44 types of vaccines from 2 different countries, Italy and France, and analyzed them for possible contaminations. To effectively do this and get good results and data, they used a FEG-ESEM (Field Emission Gun Environmental Electron Scanning Microscope) with an X-ray- microprobe of an Energy Dispersive Spectroscope. They then took 20 microliter of vaccine, dropped it onto a filter inside a flow cabinet, and then evaporated it to allow the physical and biological components of the vaccine to be isolated so they could observe and measure them. This method is important because it prevents contamination and artifacts that would obviously alter the quality of the results and findings.
One important quote in the introduction needs to be highlighted before we get into the meat of the toxicological findings in the paper.
"It is a matter of fact that every day millions of vaccine doses are administered and nothing notable happens, but it is also irrefutable that, regardless of the amount of side effects that are not recorded and the percentage of which remains in fact unknown, in a limited number cases something wrong occurs. No satisfactory explanation or, in many cases, no explanation at all has been given and it seems that those adverse effects happen on a random and stochastic basis"
This is how the plausible deniability from pharma and government has remained so strong for years. Millions of people are indeed getting vaccines every day and not having any perceived or attributed negative effects, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t subtle harm happening. Vaccine injuries can manifest in an incomprehensible number of ways, ranging from subtle food allergies you don't realize you have until years later when you do an elimination diet, nagging neurological symptoms like an inability to focus deemed to be ADHD by the pill pushing doctor, chronic bowel issues, or a litany of other problems that doctors nor the people receiving the vaccines ever connect to the injection they got last week, last month, or years ago. The windows in which deleterious issues can manifest is so vast and that's why it's incredibly important to have good safety trials with long term health outcomes, using saline placebos as the control. Without this, it's too easy to deny causality, which is by design and intentional in my opinion.
44 Vaccines Analyzed
Elements identified
The researchers further describe their findings:
"Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. \
The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction [6] occurs and a “protein corona” is formed [7-10]. The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.
Similar aggregates, though in different situations (patients suffering from leukemia or cryoglobulinemia), have already been described in literature. The link between these two entities generates an unfolding of the proteins that can induce an autoimmune effect once those proteins are injected into humans.”
One of the authors of the paper, Dr Antonietta Gatti, also did an interview for after the findings where she elaborates on how important it is to understand bio-interactions of these nanoparticles, their conjugations with other lipids/proteins/etc, and the subsequent pathology and capacity to inflict harm.
Nano-biointeraction and Nanopathology
“Because of their poor biocompatibility or no biocompatibility at all, solid, inorganic nanoparticles transform fibrinogen into fibrin, i.e. a soluble protein into an insoluble one. In some subjects, those who do not produce at all or do not produce enough fibrinolytic agents, that protein is not destroyed and becomes the scaffold to thrombi, causing pulmonary thrombo-embolism if the phenomenon took place in the veins, and stroke or infarction if it was the arterial blood to be interested. That is the first important interaction."
In most people, the particles present in the blood are carried to any organ where they are captured without any possibility to escape. The biological reaction is the one typical to foreign bodies: the growth of an inflammatory tissue which can turn into a cancer. The process may take months if the exposure to particles is particularly high, as happens, for example, to fighting soldiers exposed to the dust of explosions, or decades in other cases, not rarely exceeding the subject’s lifetime and, so, remaining unobserved. But an interaction may happen with the brain, where nanoparticles can enter freely, causing inflammation and the ensuing neurological illnesses. Direct observations of brain tissues affected by pathologies like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, autism or other illnesses the could show their presence in situ. Other interactions can occur with the pancreas making it unable to produce insulin. Nanoparticles can also travel from mother to fetus and be the cause of miscarriages, malformations or even cancer in the fetus itself
What is particularly interesting is the interaction between nanoparticles and the DNA, as those particles can enter the cell and interact with nuclear substances. The DNA gets damaged by that contact, especially during cell reproduction, and it is actually hard or impossible at all to guess its result. Cells can defend themselves against external attacks and even fix the DNA in some cases. Unfortunately, as far as I can say now, that doesn’t happen if the attackers are nanoparticles, and cells are even unable to commit suicide through apoptosis.
Here is an addition paper discussing the genotoxic potential of nanoparticles, and their capacity to alter DNA.
So not only do we have contamination problems with toxic nanoparticles, but we also have quality control problems with variable amounts of aluminum in vaccines, which brings me to the second paper.
”In addition, the content of aluminum is extremely variable with many vaccines showing %RSD in excess of 10 % even within the same lot (Table 2). For example, an infant receiving Havrix could receive anything between 0.172 and 0.602 mg of aluminum per vaccine. The data presented herein will be an underestimate of the actual content of aluminum as it is inevitable that some aluminum adjuvant will remain within the syringe system following injection. This will also be true when vaccines are injected in vivo. Vaccines that include an aluminum adjuvant are cloudy suspensions and manufacturers recommend that they are shaken prior to injection. For a few vaccines we were unable to obtain ten or more individual products and so data are limited, especially Synflorix. However, we present the first robust data obtained using state-of-the-art methods on the aluminum content of vaccines currently being administered in infants. The data are not reassuring. They suggest that vaccine manufacturers have limited control over the aluminum content of their vaccines. The aluminum content of individual vaccines within vaccine lots vary significantly. The amount of aluminum an infant receives in a vaccine is, it would appear, akin to a lottery. The true significance of this lottery is unknown.”
“The aluminum content of individual vaccines within vaccine lots vary significantly. The amount of aluminum an infant receives in a vaccine is, it would appear, akin to a lottery.”
This is a lottery for brain damage, just so we’re all clear. I hope everyone understands the gravity of these findings in the context of why one child can get a barrage of vaccines and come out being seemingly fine, while another kid can be completely obliterated and descend into full blown autism.
If we lived in a rational world predicated on the value of good science and independent investigation, then this paper and the one prior on contamination should have brought the entire vaccine apparatus to a halt and immediately launched investigation into quality control practices and regulatory institutions, but no. We unfortunately live in an inverted clown world where accountability and justice is sparse, lies are considered truth, and the truth is just a conspiracy.
But wait, there’s more. Of course after the researchers made these findings, they reached out to the NIH with a FOIA request to get studies on the safety of injected aluminum into infants, this was the response….
“It should be a matter of concern that a recent freedom of information act request (FOIA Case Number 50882, and HHS Appeal No.;19-0083-AA) revealed that the NIH were unable to provide a single study relied upon by them in relation to the safety of injection of aluminum adjuvants in infants”
Stop and think about this for a second. We’re injecting babies with aluminum rich vitamin K and hepatitis shots on their literal first day of life, and yet they don’t have any studies on the safety of injected aluminum into infants? WHAT?!?! It’s so indefensible that the vaccine safety discussion should end here. All vaccination should come to a halt on this revelation.
This lottery is also highly relevant to the recent paper from the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, looking at batch dependent safety of the COVID vaccine. As expected, they found concentrations of severe adverse events to specific batches, and I would argue the same could be happening with every single vaccine ever put on the market. Bad batches throughout with no real strict oversight or accountability, leading a swath of injuries.
By the way, these problems with quality control, bad batches, contamination, and vaccination harm in general could be very easily ironed out and settled if the CDC/NIH allowed independent researchers and epidemiologists access to the vaccine safety data link, but they refuse to for obvious reasons because it would open the flood gates and demonstrate they’ve been criminally negligent and willfully harming people for decades to protect their pharmaceutical handlers and their profits.
Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) from the CDC
How Can I Access VSD Data?
From time to time, scientists (from outside CDC and outside the VSD network) are interested in using data from the VSD to look differently at vaccine safety questions. When possible, CDC tries to accommodate these requests. Depending on the study, interested researchers may be able to access VSD data and data from VSD publications through public use datasets, the VSD data sharing program, and collaboration with current VSD investigators.
RFK Jr has tried to do this countless times, even through lawsuits, and they REFUSE to give him access or anyone else. So they’re lying and don’t accommodate, unless it’s for pharmaceutical companies to cover their own ass.
How to Access Data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink
Researchers wishing to conduct new vaccine safety studies that may not have been addressed through the VSD may do so through direct collaborations with current VSD investigators to utilize data collected since 2000. Collaboration is at the discretion of each specific VSD site and is outside the scope of CDC authority.
Requests for collaboration can be made through the NCHS RDC
The final finding I want to cover on vaccine contamination is in regards to a pesky and pervasive pesticide known as Glyphosate, which seems to be pretty much everywhere at this point and inescapable. Given vaccines often use substances and food stuffs like gelatin, egg proteins, lactose, casein, etc, those foods are likely what’s contaminated with glyphosate, especially the gelatin, as glyphosate tends to concentrate wherever glycine is.
Moms Across America, thanks to the work of Zen Honeycutt, Dr Stephanie Seneff, and Dr Toni Bark, have uncovered that vaccines are also contaminated with glyphosate, which is honestly not surprising given what we’ve already learned about the problems with quality control.
Moms Across America has tested water, urine, breast milk, Pediasure, formula, and other drinks prior to this vaccine project to explore and raise awareness about the widespread contamination by glyphosate, to raise awareness and eliminate exposure to glyphosate based herbicides and toxic exposure to babies, children and citizens. These tests are not scientific studies and are not statements about items tested themselves; however, these tests provide compelling evidence such that the manufacturers which use genetically engineered ingredients or glyphosate sprayed crop derived ingredients in any product should expect contamination. Regulators who approve products for safety should be obligated to conduct or require independent testing for glyphosate and coformulants, recall contaminated products, and to determine how to reformulate products to eliminate glyphosate based herbicides and all toxins from their products. Due to increasing discovery of a small amount of contamination in organic food products, air, water rain and now medical treatments as well, the only way to prevent drift or water/fertilizer glyphosate contamination is to discontinue the use of glyphosate based herbicides and toxic chemical farming entirely.
I could go on for much longer about this issue, but I think what I’ve shown so far is that it’s clear that these pharmaceutical companies and regulators do not care if their products are causing harm through contamination or lack of proper quality control, and that largely stems from their lack of legal liability for said products, in addition to the regulatory capture of our government institutions that should be holding them accountable. I intend on doing more articles on this issue in the future, but would first like to cover some other issues related to vaccines, diet, EMF, etc.
I’ve also included a bunch of links below further substantiating quality control and contamination problems, as well as some DNA plasmid and nanotechnology investigations into the COVID vaccine. I know this has been a topic of controversy with some saying that there isn’t any validity to the concern with either graphene or self assembly inside the body, but I will say that the technology most definitively exists and the capability is there. The only question you have to ask yourself is if you think are government and military are capable of doing such experiments on the populace of the world without their knowledge. There is endless precedent for this kind of experimentation against our will, so I don’t find it hard to imagine. If anything I think it’s more likely than not, especially considering that there were numerous people who reported their injection site becoming magnetic after their first or second dose of pfizer or moderna. I felt it myself on someone after their 2nd dose, so I’m much more open to this possibility. I just want you to look at the evidence and come to your own conclusions. I will be writing further in depth articles in the future on the nano-technology, so stay tuned if that’s something you’re interested in.
In the meantime, if you want to understand how advanced this nanotech is currently, I made a thread on twitter discussing it if you’d like to dig in. It’s quite the rabbit hole that will leave you feeling very uncomfortable.
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Further reading and examples of contamination and improper quality control practices.
Dr. David Nixon Nanotechnological Contamination Investigations
DNA contamination in 8 vials of Pfizer monovalent mRNA vaccines
SV40 discussion with Dr. Peter McCullough - COVID vaccine contamination
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines
Foreign Materials in Blood Samples of Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccines
Research by Dr Campra finding widespread contamination of COVID vaccine.
Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV19 Vaccines
No recall for glass found in vaccines made in Monroe County - Sam Kennedy - 2016
Federal Inspectors Fear More Vaccines Were Exposed to Contamination
100 Million Vaccine Doses Held Up Over Contamination Concerns, Firm Reveals
FDA Finds 60 Million COVID Vaccine Doses Were Potentially Contaminated: Report
Third person dies in Japan after taking contaminated Moderna coronavirus vaccine
Moderna reveals source of COVID-19 vaccine contamination as Japan finds yet another suspect vial
Good lord this must end!
Thank you
The reality of them thinking we must follow insanity Not in Washington. ??